John McCain and his campaign staff of lobbyists have been keeping Sarah Palin out of sight except for special appearances with McCain. Why would they do this? Sarah Palin knows as much as my dog about foreign policy. She also lacks knowledge in the areas of immigration, the national economy, rebuilding our country's infrastructure, NATO, disability laws, environmental laws, veterans' affairs, etc., etc. As you read this, McCain's lobbyist campaign staff, Karl Rove, and former Bush staff members, are providing some instruction in these areas as well as talking points and catch phrases.
Aren't there some questions you'd like to ask of Sarah Palin? Here are a few questions that I'd like to ask:
> Since you had the choice on whether to continue your own pregnancy, why are you against other women having that right?
> What causes global warming?
> What proposals do you have regarding immigration that are fair and humanitarian?
> Do you think that abstinence education was a successful sex education program regarding your daughter?
> Do you think that veterans' medical benefits should be rationed, as Sen. McCain has proposed? Which veterans would you deny medical benefits?
> How soon should U.S. troops be pulled out of Iraq?
> How many tours of duty are appropriate for our military men and women to serve in Iraq?
> When or if should the U.S. bomb Iran?
> Why did you attend so many colleges?
> You have been called vindictive by your opponents? Why?
> What makes you qualified to be Vice President?
> You have used racial slurs to refer to Sen. Obama. Do you often use racial slurs in your language?
I'm sure that you could come up with other questions. I hope that we'll be able to submit some questions for the debate because this woman needs to explain her right wing views to Americans.
By the way, I think that if Cindy McCain wants to dress in clothing worth $300,000, that is her business. It is just hard to believe that she and Sen. McCain understand the plight of the American working family. If you can afford $300,000 for one outfit, you aren't shopping the same discount stores that I favor.