Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Are Republicans like Nero?

Don't you wonder if the Republicans even care about what is going on in this country? Are the Republicans like Emperor Nero who fiddled while Rome burned? Will Republicans in Congress continue to do nothing while our nation tries to respond to the disaster left by the Bush administration?

It doesn't seem to matter to the Republicans that over two million people lost their jobs in 2008. They just want to keep talking about their worthless, ineffective tax breaks. The GOP is clueless. Clueless. The Republicans couldn't find their way out of a paper bag.

While the Republicans stall and complain about President Obama's recovery plan and stimulus package, things continue to get worse. More people lose their jobs and the future bad without something to get us working again:

American Society of Civil Engineers (
ASCE): (Note: This is just a sampling from the ASCE website.)

Roads D-

Americans spend 4.2 billion hours a year stuck in traffic at a cost to the economy of $78.2 billion, or $710 per motorist. Poor road conditions cost motorists $67 billion a year in repairs and operating costs, and cost 14,000 Americans their lives. One-third of America's major roads are in poor or mediocre condition and 36% of major urban highways are congested. The current spending level of $70.3 billion per year for highway capital improvements is well below the estimated $186 billion needed annually to substantially improve the nation's highways.

Schools D

Spending on the nation's schools grew from $17 billion in 1998 to a peak of $29 billion in 2004. However, by 2007 spending fell to $20.28 billion. No comprehensive, authoritative nationwide data on the condition of America's school buildings has been collected in a decade. The National Education Association's best estimate to bring the nation's schools into good repair is $322 billion....

We have unsafe bridges in Ohio. On Campus:

...There are hundreds of bridges in Ohio that are considerably structurally deficient. An example of an unsafe bridge is the Orange Road bridge near where I live. A steel-truss bridge designed in 1898, it has not been maintained properly for over a century....