Saturday, January 03, 2009

Reason and Intelligence

With the incoming Obama administration, I'm hoping that we see somethings that we haven't seen in a very long time: Reason and Intelligence. I'm sure that the Obama administration will use both to solve the myriad of problems left behind by Bush.

I've written before about the laundry list of problems that the new administration will face, but I'd like to state a few things I'd like to see taken care of in the near future. Here are my suggestions:

* Please adhere to the Kyoto Treaty/Protocol which was largely dismissed by the Bushies.

* We need to have a more open conversation with the people of Cuba. If Americans are able to visit and communicate with average Cubans, a move away from the Castro brothers would certainly happen.

* Push for greener cars, transportation, and manufacturing. We would save money and help the environment.

* We need a team of constitutional lawyers to go over the "signing statements" that President Bush created. There will be lots of things to undo.

* Take care of our men and women in the military. They've gone through so much and they deserve our thanks, respect, and care. We can no longer let the mismanagement of veterans' affairs and medical facilities continue. Clean it up and fix it.

* Throw away the abstinence education program. It is totally worthless, and unfortunately, billions of dollars have been wasted. Sex education based on science should be taught in our schools.

* End the war in Iraq ASAP!

* Start conversations with those countries and regions that have been neglected by the Bush administration. Encourage those countries to work with us instead of against us.

* Rebuild America. Get people back to work fixing roads, bridges, and schools. Make community participation cool again.

I'm certain that hundreds of more items could be added to this list, but I don't have the time or energy to name them all. It is without question, that those reading this could add even more. I think it is important that we watch the Senate and the House of Representatives and make sure that legislation gets passed to get America working again. We need to take time to make our elected officials work for us.

I may only be a wife/mother/grandmother/retired teacher/dog owner, but I wish that some of my hopes and dreams are shared by you and the new administration. We must make sure that things are accomplished to help our people and the world.