Friday, January 30, 2009


* This morning President Obama and Vice President Biden had an announcement about labor and the middle class.
NY Times:

On yet another morning of grim economic news, President Obama on Friday sought to further distance himself from his predecessor as he announced steps that he said would strengthen organized labor and improve the lot of middle-class Americans.

At a White House ceremony, the president signed three executive orders that he said would “reverse many of the policies towards organized labor that we’ve seen these last eight years, policies with which I’ve sharply disagreed.”

-I saw something the other day that made me physically ill. It was a Palin-Jindal bumper sticker on a car in Columbus, Ohio. Yuck.

* Huh? Does George W. Bush believe he still has presidential powers?
Raw Story:
...Fielding's letter reflects President George W. Bush's decision to continue to argue that "[t]he President and his immediate advisors are absolutely immune from testimonial compulsion by a congressional committee," even after leaving office, citing a 2007 memorandum the Justice Department prepared. Ironically, the memo was prepared by the very department that Congress is trying to garner information about.

Rove's immunity, Fielding says, thus "arises from the President's position as head of the executive branch and from Mr. Rove's position as a senior advisor to the President."

A similar letter was sent to the attorney for former White House Counsel Harriet Miers telling her not to appear at a scheduled deposition with the House Judiciary Committee. Miers, the Bush White House argues, also has "absolute immunity" as a presidential advisor...

Do these Bushies just make up laws as they go along? Has anyone told him that Bush that he is no longer the President? If Karl Rove continues to refuse to obey his subpoena from the House Judiciary Committee, I'd love to see him brought to the committee in handcuffs and chains.

* Do the Republicans think that they'll just ignore the President for the next four years? I think it was a major mistake for the GOPers to vote against the stimulus package. We know that their 'tax break' philosophy has not worked. We know they've done nothing to encourage the economy and hiring. How do Republicans think things will get fixed? I think that so many of the Republicans are so removed from real jobs, shopping, and normal life that they have no idea about what is going on in the country.