Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Being Held Accountable

Sinclair Community College students must be very underwhelmed with the announcement in the Dayton Daily News that Kasich and Gingrich will have a private discussion with some of their specially picked sheeple. If you go, bring a pillow because both Kasich and Gingrich will talk on, and on, and on, and on,......
and on.

Kasich is doing his part on the campaign trail to stay away from unfriendly counties and any location that might be in the public eye.  Heaven forbid if some angry state employee would ask how his pension fund lost millions of dollars.  Kasich would melt into a blubbering mess like he did when he was on Hardball (see Plunderbund's  account).

> Some Ohio Republicans are surprised about some recent endorsements.


...After winning the National Rifle Association (NRA) endorsement last month, the incumbent Democratic governor, Ted Strickland, picked up another one Saturday - the Buckeye Firearms Association, an influential group that lobbies for pro-gun legislation in the Ohio Statehouse.

The antipathy of pro-gun organizations like the NRA and the Buckeye Firearms Association toward John Kasich, the Republican candidate for governor, dates back 16 years to the vote then-congressman Kasich cast for President Bill Clinton's crime bill, which included a ban on assault rifles....

"Like many Ohioans, hunting and fishing has always been a way of life for me and my family," Strickland said. "From my childhood in Scioto County hunting with my brothers and sisters and through my life in public service, I have always supported sportsmen in my actions, my lifestyle and my policies."

Each politician needs to be held accountable for his/her votes/proposals, and speeches from his/her past.  If a politician claims to be a "family values" person, the public needs to know if they've shown love and respect to their spouse/partner.  We need to know if they have supported their children financially and emotionally. If an elected official worked in the business world, we have the right to know if his/her dealings were fair, honest, and legitimate.

As another example, John Kasich, Republican candidate for governor, should be held accountable for his votes and actions in the past. 
(Dispatch 7/7/10)
• Proposed cutting $7 billion from veterans programs, quadrupling veterans' prescription costs, and "cutting benefits for veterans who suffered head wounds and mental traumas and could no longer care for themselves independently."

I believe that Kasich should be asked why he wanted to cut these vital programs for our military veterans.  He should also be questioned about exactly how and why he got the Ohio pensions to invest in Lehman Brothers.  Those investments with Lehman had the pensions funds lose hundreds of millions of dollars. How does Kasich feel about that today?  Does he have any remorse for getting the pension fund managers to invest with Lehman?

> Speaking of family values......  Former member of Congress and a person who has been married three times, Newt Gingrich is considering a run for the White House.  Even though Gingrich was having an affair while he was attacking former President Clinton, Gingrich didn't think of himself as a hypcrite (see Fox News).

How many traffic tickets have you had?  If a Republican candidate for Congress, has continued to get traffic tickets for exceeding the speed limit, should the public be concerned? What do you think?