Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Scary Thoughts

*  Here is a scary thought:  If candidates win who have been endorsed and funded by Mitt Romney, they will then have an obligation to fill. Those same candidates will be obligated to support Mitt Romney in his campaign to run as the Republican nominee for President.  Did you get that Steve Stivers?  When Republican Steve Stivers, a former bank lobbyist, took that campaign money from Romney (the same Romney that tied the family dog to the roof of the car), it cemented his support for Romney. 

*  I've come to the conclusion that Rush Limbaugh is a very jealous person.  All the boasting and attacks on people who are smarter than himself, show that Limbaugh is jealous of everyone else's success in politics, educational accomplishments, and  business.  His daily attacks on President Obama show Limbaugh's racism, hatred,  and disrespect of Blacks, minorities, working women, and anyone who has succeeded through academics.  Face it.  Limbaugh  failed miserably on his dream job as sportscaster when his racism got in the way. Limbaugh was not successful in college and dropped out. Limbaugh might be the rich darling of the right, but he is a racist, sexist, twit.  I cannot understand why anyone listens to him.