Saturday, July 17, 2010

Obama on vacation?

As shocking as it seems to Republicans, the President has taken a few days off to spend with his family.

...The Republican National Committee launched a website blasting what it considers Obama's "leisure activities or missteps" during the oil disaster, like playing golf, attending concerts and vacationing in Asheville, North Carolina; Chicago, Illinois; and now Maine....

I never recall the Republicans complain when Bush was on vacation for almost 1,000 days (1/3 of his Presidency)! If you remember, Bush remained on vacation in August of 2001 even when he got a PDB (President's Daily Briefing) that indicated that Bin Laden was determined to strike the United States (see GWU for National Security Archive).  I think it if fine for the President to take a few days to get a different perspective on things.  He has been working hard since the minute he took over the Presidency with the problems left by the previous administration:  2 wars, economic meltdown, collapse of John Kasich's Lehman Brothers, unemployment, problems with the auto industry, North Korea, Iran, etc., etc., etc.....

While Republicans complain about President Obama's weekend, they are hoping to take attention away from the fact that they have no agenda to run on in November.  They've advised their candidates not to talk about issues.  That should go over big.  What will they talk about------ gardening?  fishing?  golfing with lobbyists?  their 401ks?  their BP stock (Steve Stivers)???????