Wednesday, August 11, 2010


What is Newt Gingrich really like?  Esquire magazine asked one of his ex-wives, Marianne Gingrich, (wife #2) a few questions about her former husband, and the results are revealing. Gingrich seems unable to come to terms with his own life, tends to gloss things over, and appears to re-write his own life story. While Gingrich was attacking then President Clinton, and speaking of family values, Gingrich's personal behavior was not something that could be described as a "family value."


...He asked her to just tolerate the affair, an offer she refused....
..The next night, they sat talking out on their back patio in Georgia. She said, "How do you give that speech and do what you're doing?" 

"It doesn't matter what I do," he answered. "People need to hear what I have to say. There's no one else who can say what I can say. It doesn't matter what I live."

This article is definitely worth your attention.

Gingrich still seems to have aspirations about runn