< I refuse to do anything until I get tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires!!! Wah! Wah! Wah!!!
(Don't you wish Boehner and the Republicans cared that much for average Americans?)
While the Republicans continue to obstruct and block legislation to get people back to work, Americans sit and wait for the economy and businesses to start moving and hiring. The Republicans have blocked the aid to small businesses (and you thought they supported small business) that has been stuck on hold in Congress. The Republicans are hoping for total economic collapse while they sit on their hands.
Shame on Boehner and McConnell for blocking jobs and economic development. Shame on the GOP for not caring enough for all Americans, not just the rich.
The Republicans keep talking about the debt. Who created the debt? Not Obama. The debt was created by massive tax cuts and two wars started by the Bush administration. It is too bad that the Republicans are so bad at math and taking responsibility.