Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Important Rule

If you are a millionaire or billionaire, you should never, ever spend your money trying to "buy" an election.  In the end, you'll probably lose the election, and lose a lot of money.

Washington Post:

Meg Whitman, Carly Fiorina and Linda McMahon had a lot in common.  

All sharp, successful businesswomen who made millions as executives in the private sector, they identified 2010 as an apt historical moment for a Republican candidate with no political experience to break into politics. In pursuit of higher office, each committed considerable resources - more than $200 million combined - to challenge seemingly vulnerable Democrats...

Just because a person is wealthy, or made big money in business, does not necessarily mean that they can convince people to give him/her their vote. In the case of these three rich women who've had success in business, they could not relate to the electorate.

There are other factors that may have contributed to their losses, such as hiring an undocumented person to work in their home, promoting a sport that used violence and disrespected women, and not being able to communicate their message to regular men and women.