Thursday, April 02, 2009


* The good news about Ed Schultz getting a show on MSNBC has a lot of people very excited. Schultz, who hosts a local radio show in Fargo, as well as a national radio program, has not announced where he will host his new TV program. Will Stephanie Miller and the Mooks soon be on TV? {Here in Columbus, Ohio, our progressive radio station was yanked off the air. With sports radio, and Catholic radio, and several right wing stations, central Ohio radio leaves a lot to be desired.}

* More good news!!!!! The Buckeyes start spring practice!!!!! OH-IO! Go Buckeyes!!!!!

* Wow. That Republican budget is really a joke!!! The Republicans are sooooooooooo pathetic with their proposal to give more tax cuts cuts for the rich. I think they've become irrelevant.

* President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama have definitely made Americans proud with their stellar meetings in Europe. In bringing back common sense, intelligence, and solid planning, America's reputation will be good again.