Thursday, April 09, 2009


The Republicans are desperate. During the campaign, they said that President Obama was the most liberal U.S. Senator. (I still don't understand why the Republicans think "liberal" is a dirty word.) Then the GOP called Barack Obama a 'socialist' even though half of them didn't even know what it meant. Now the Republican machine has a new name for Obama---'apologist.' Sean Hannity edited part of one of President Obama's speeches, and then declared that Obama was apologizing while the President was in Europe. (Of course, the President was not apologizing.) Today, because of Hannity and right wingers, this new buzz word is sweeping through the right wing blogs, e-mails, and being repeated on TV by right wing pundits.

The Republicans lost the White House, the U.S. House, and the U.S. Senate. However, they've also lost common sense, purpose, and a willingness to work together for the good of the American people---- all the American people, not just their right wing base. While John Boehner, Eric Cantor, Michelle Bachmann sit around trying to come up with possible labels/names for the President, and cockamamie lies/theories (mostly Bachmann), people remain out of work, facing foreclosure, and the loss of health care. The Republicans can't/won't work on solutions for the myriad of problems we're facing. They'd rather spend their valuable time attacking freshmen Democrats on the floor of the House and resort to calling President Obama names.

The Republicans have become just plain irrelevant in 2009.