Sunday, April 26, 2009

Minnesotans Want Coleman to Call It Quits

A very interesting little poll has been published in the Star Tribune:

Nearly two-thirds of Minnesotans surveyed think Norm Coleman should concede the U.S. Senate race to Al Franken, but just as many believe the voting system that gave the state its longest running election contest needs improvement.

A new Star Tribune Minnesota Poll has found that 64 percent of those responding believe Coleman, the Republican, should accept the recount trial court's April 13 verdict that Democrat Franken won the race by 312 votes.....

....Franken spokesman Andy Barr said the poll numbers speak for themselves.

Coleman and the Republicans are just penalizing the people of Minnesota and trying to obstruct the work that must be done to fix the country.
Give it up, Norm!!!!!
Give it up, Norm!!!!!
Give it up, Norm!!!!!