Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Don't You Wonder?

- After watching a clip on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, it appears that several pundits on Faux News have really gone completely over the edge. Comments by Sean Hannity and Dick Morris show that they are now just making up fiction about the Obama administration. I heard somewhere that the average age of the Faux News viewer is 67. I'm not there yet, but the statistic shows that their viewers are much older than other cable news networks.

- Don't you wonder if Michelle Bachmann has just gone completely bonkers with her comments about "revolution" and other weird topics?

- Don't you wonder when Ohio Republicans will act like responsible human beings and sit down to discuss equitable school funding?

- Don't you wonder how Virginia Foxx, extreme right wing Republican member of the House, can sleep at night? Do you think she delights in being a heartless, unrealistic, rightie that is completely unaware of real people and their lives?
... ..... ... ..... ...Foxx (1) voted against an aid package for Hurricane Katrina victims (SourceWatch), (2) supported Bush's plan to invest retirement money into private accounts (like the stock market!!!), (3) voted against Head Start (JusticeBlind), (4) got earmark money for a Teapot Museum in her state (American Chronicle), (5) voted against raising the minimum wage (JusticeBlind), etc., etc., etc.......

The most interesting information about Foxx comes out in an ad that was put out in a campaign by her opponent (YouTube):