Sunday, January 15, 2006

Republicans Attacking War Hero

The Republican chickenhawks are attacking another war hero. This time it is Rep. John Murtha of Pennsylvania. All you have to do is see the Google news search I did on Murtha: Results. There is an organized attack on Murtha from conservative and Republican sources which are questioning Murtha's Purple Hearts. The Republicans did it to Senator John Kerry and now Murtha is being targeted with lies.

Do It Yourself: Armor Your Own Humvee
Our young men and women continue to die and sustain life altering wound in Iraq. Because of the Defense Department's lack of response in providing body armor and humvee armor, our brave service members have doing some extra work to protect themselves. According to the Arizona Daily Sun:

Soldiers exposed to Iraq's increasingly lethal roadside bombs, which can rip through armored Humvees, are drawing on wartime experience and stateside expertise to protect their vehicles with stronger armor and thermal detection cameras.

The upgrades are being done by individual soldiers and units as the Pentagon decides how Humvees should be changed, and follow public criticism of the Bush administration for not armoring all Humvees ahead of the war...

This is sad. How many more of our soldiers and Marines will die while the Pentagon decides about armor?