Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Judi Giuliani, continued....

There are many, many, many reasons that I would never, ever vote for Rudy Giuliani. Besides his political stands, his public adulterous behavior, and his disrespectful behavior toward his second wife, there is one more thing about him that I don't like. His current wife, Judi Nathan Giuliani, is another reason why I would never support him. Her previous job, as detailed in Vanity Fair, makes me question how and why she would act in such a way. What am I talking about? Read the following excerpt from Vanity Fair:

.....As a registered nurse, young Judi spent only a few months at Sacred Heart Hospital, in Allentown, Pennsylvania. She would never care for patients after that. She had other plans. At 19 she married Jeffrey Ross, a U.S. Surgical salesman six years her senior.

In short order both Rosses were working in Charlotte, North Carolina, for U.S. Surgical (now part of Tyco Healthcare), which eventually grew into a billion-dollar enterprise marketing surgical staplers. Judi was excellent at her work, and earned $40,000 a year by the late 70s. But problems arose when animal-rights groups began investigating the way the company sold its products—problems recently pointed out by the New York press. U.S. Surgical used dogs in demonstrations to doctors and hospitals as part of its marketing plan.

"Every salesperson at U.S. Surgical was trained for six weeks with dogs at Lincoln Hospital in the Bronx, and that was really brutal," explains a former employee. "They spent days and days with dogs, taking out the spleen or stomach or the lobe of a lung. Then if the dog started moaning or fidgeted, whoever was closest would push more sedative into him from the syringe. It was horrible. Then the dog would be killed with potassium chloride."

After training, the salespeople marketed the staplers to doctors, and, once again, in many cases large dogs were used, as they had organs comparable in size to those possessed by humans. "After the stapling, sometimes they'd put a big clamp above and below the staple lines of the dog, and fill [the area] with lots of fluid," the ex-employee says. "It would fill up like a balloon, and the salesperson would say to the doctor, 'See—it doesn't leak!' That's how they marketed and sold the product." (Some years ago, former C.E.O. Leon Hirsch defended the company's practice of using dogs, claiming that there was no proper substitute.)......

Has anyone asked Judi Giuliani how many puppies she killed? I don't care if she was a salesperson for the above mentioned company, she could have refused to do the demonstrations.

Anyone who is a dog owner cannot vote for Giuliani because it would elevate an alleged puppy killer to a place of respect, First Lady.