Monday, August 06, 2007

Monday's Musings

* Giuliani
> Rudy Giuliani still didn't answer the question--- Newsday:
Toward the end of yesterday morning's GOP presidential debate here in the heartland, each of the nine candidates was asked to describe in 30 seconds a defining mistake in their lives.
When the question came to Rudy Giuliani, he shrugged, lifted his arms and eyebrows, and said to much laughter, "To have a description of my mistakes in 30 seconds?"

I think that Giuliani has made a lot of mistakes in his life, but he could have attempted a more serious answer.

Don't you wonder what Americans think of Judy Giuliani? Do a Google search for Judy Giuliani puppy killer and here is what you can find:

* Sports
>I don't know about golf. However, I think it is great that Tiger Woods has won again!
>I remember watching TV when Hank Aaron broke the record, but I won't be watching when Barry Bonds break any records.