Wednesday, February 25, 2009

President Obama Gives Us Hope

Last night when President Obama spoke to the nation, I think people collectively said, "We're with you." Although the President's speech comes at a time when record job losses, business closings, and financial problems abound, he told us, "....We will rebuild. We will recover. And the United States of America will emerge stronger than before..."

The President said, "...We must pull together. Confront our challenges. Meet our responsibilities for our future...."

I think the President spoke about how our nation can recover and come back even stronger. He offered solutions.

The Republicans have offered nothing but the usual "tax cuts," "tax cuts," "tax cuts." When Gov. Jindal spoke, he repeated the same old GOP talking points. I was not impressed by Jindal or his worn out message.

President Obama offered us hope for better days. The Republicans and Jindal----- not so much.