Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Are they sabotaging Obama?

I was hoping that Whoopi Goldberg would pop Elizabeth "Bushlover/McCainlover" Hasselback as I was watching The View. Hasselback, who yesterday was giving goo-goo eyes to Newt Gingrich, kept saying that Obama was ruined. Joy Behar said she thought that the right wing and Republicans were purposely sabotaging Obama because he was the first African American to run for President. Think about it. McCain, the GOP, and even some Dems, won't stop talking about Rev. Wright because it is their way to attack Obama without being called a racist.

I think that every American who receives one of Bush's economic rebate checks should take a few moments and really kick the Bush administration in the pants. How? Take a portion of your check, even if it is only $10, and donate it to the Barack Obama campaign.

If Newt Gingrich, Rush Limpbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, and even Elizabeth Hasselback are promoting Hillary Clinton, you know that they fear Barack Obama. All the righties have is old man McCain who won't offer you real health care.