Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Debate on ABC

I don't know if you caught any of the Democratic debate on ABC this evening. If you missed it, consider yourself lucky. The moderators, Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos, were about as interesting as dirt. I think they had Bill O'Reilly write the questions. (Charlie Gibson looked like Benjamin Franklin. He also looked like he was ready to fall asleep.) It was pathetic. They asked the same old questions. I think that middle school students could have written better questions! I know I could have written better questions!

I would like to suggest that we move past these silly questions that have been asked again and again and again. If these so called 'professional journalists' can't think of fresh questions, they should encourage the public to e-mail questions for the debates.

I agree with Americablog in saying to call or e-mail ABC and let them know that you thought that the debate, the questions, and the moderators were pathetic. Americablog provided this information: ABC tel#212-456-7777 and e-mail

It is important that we start to have important discussions about
-how to get out of Iraq
-how to get people back to work
-ways to get the economy working again
-proposals to lower gasoline prices
-how to rebuild our bridges, roads, and schools
etc., etc., etc.