Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Economy

~ Last night on the Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert quoted the Washington Times story about John McCain's superstitions, including "....He carries a lucky feather, a lucky compass and a lucky penny — not to mention a lucky nickel and a lucky quarter....."

Colbert then unveiled his new banner which read, "McCain 2008, The Luck Stops Here!"

Do you think that McCain plans to fix things with his "lucky feather"? has information about the Fabulous Life of John McCain:

* Senator Barack Obama is meeting with friendly groups in Indiana. At a recent campaign stop in Anderson, Indiana, Obama talked about the sagging economy and the job losses many have experienced.
(Herald Bulletin):

...Obama said McCain’s plans for handling the war in Iraq and other American issues mirrored those of the current president. “We can’t afford four more years of failed foreign policy.”

Referring to McCain’s comment that the economy was making great progress, Obama said, “He must not be talking to the people in Anderson....

“I know they don’t want four more years of Bush’s economic policy,” Obama said, sending the crowd into applause.....

We certainly don't need more of the same from McCain.

> President Bush's news conference yesterday proved once again that he is out of touch with American life. He refused to take responsibility for high gas prices, and instead put the blame on Congress. The American people know who is to blame for high gas prices, a failed foreign policy, a war without end in Iraq, and another Bush recession. It is George W. Bush. The reason that gas prices are so high is that former oil man, Bush, won't do anything to penalize his friends.

USA Today had Sen. Chuck Schumer's response to Bush's news conference:

"All of a sudden, he's realizing the problems," said Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. "The president and the White House have repeatedly ignored repeated shots across the bow of our economy. Rising foreclosures, falling home prices, withering consumer confidence and record oil company profits — none of them are being addressed."

I think at this point, Bush won't do anything except refuse to take responsibility.