Thursday, April 24, 2008

Old and New--Updated

* John McCain is against equal pay for women.
Republican Sen. John McCain, campaigning through poverty-stricken cities and towns, said Wednesday he opposes a Senate bill that seeks equal pay for women because it would lead to more lawsuits....

Wow. This seems to indicate that McCain's ideas are draconian. I wonder if he has other ideas that will set women back decades. I guess it is okay for his wife to have $100 million dollars that she inherited and that he enjoys with their eight houses. However, he doesn't want the average woman to get equal pay and enjoy a comfortable lifestyle. McCain's opinions are old-fashioned and elitist. (McCain's elitist, chauvinistic ideas might explain why we never hear Mrs. McCain speak. He probably only "allows" her to smile and nod.)

Capital Hill Blue has more:

McCain Votes Against Equal Pay: Women Need "Education And Training"
Once again John McCain shows he is out of touch with the needs of regular people.
So ask yourself if this REALLY is the guy you want appointing members of the Supreme Court for a lifetime?
No matter what the alternative, I say HELL NO!......

Here is where McCain wants women to be:

(pic courtesy--

Most women would say that McCain sounds like a crotchety old man!!! Wake up, McCain. This is not the 1950's. A majority of women today work outside the home to support their families. American women are educated, ambitious, and hard-working. We are not ready to turn back the hands of time to house dresses, pearls, and waiting for hubby to decide if we need a new clothes dryer.

OMG! Can you imagine hot-headed, anti-Asian, foul-mouthed, male chauvinist McCain in the White House???? Heaven forbid!!! Please, Democrats, make nice now.

* I am wondering if Stephen Colbert will have Rain on his show soon. Last night Colbert ran a clip of Rain and challenged him to a "dance off." It is possible that Rain might attend the premiere of Speed Racer and then pop into The Colbert Report. I think that the producers of The Colbert Report should be encouraged to make that happen.