Wednesday, April 09, 2008

More on Iraq....

> If you've been to the gas station lately, you already know that gas prices are going up. According to Bloomberg, oil prices were reported at $110.87 per barrel. The only people who are happy about this are Bush and Cheney's oil friends.

If you drive one of those big SUVs you'll get no sympathy from me. No matter how high gas climbs, my hybrid will be getting 40mpg/city and up to 53mpg/highway.

> Do you know that if you are an Iraqi who wants to open a business in Iraq, the U.S. government will give you $2500 cash to get it started? Have you tried to open up a business here? Have you gotten any handouts from the Bush administration in this country?

> After watching the hearings in the House and Senate I've come to the conclusion that the Iraq war is clearly belongs to Bush and the Republican Party. They wanted it, they love talking about how wonderful it is, and they've continued to support it. While our tax money builds new roads and schools in Iraq, our bridges and schools are substandard. It is time to take the training wheels off the bike and tell the Iraqi people, " See ya!"

> Republican Congressman Patrick McHenry is in a heap of trouble..
Americablog has the story:

McHenry literally endangered the lives of soldiers serving in Iraq by airing video of the Green Zone. VoteVets first called McHenry out on this. The Pentagon had to get involved. It's astonishing what these Republicans will do. McHenry must be held accountable for the breach of security:
If Patrick McHenry wants to tell war stories so badly, he should resign his Congressional seat and go enlist. He's only 32. That way, he could get some training--so that next time he's in a combat zone trying to be a tough guy, he won't be such a bumbling, self-promotional fool about it.

At this point, Patrick McHenry should be censured by his peers in Congress and he should apologize to the troops and their families....