Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Why Haven't Romney's Kids Joined the Military Yet????

If the Republicans had their way, there would be a TV game show called, I'm More American Than You!
According to Raw Story, Mitt Romney accuses Democrats, specifically Sen. Barack Obama, of not honoring the flag. What a bunch of crap! If Mitt Romney was so patriotic, why aren't any of his 5 sons in the military? They seem to look quite healthy to me! Does Romney think it is okay for other mothers and fathers to send their sons/daughters to war, but his sons are so special they can't go to the military.

(Note: I attend many, many public events. When the National Anthem is played, less the 30% of the people actually put their hands on their hearts. Does that mean that we are less patriotic, less of an American than Mitt Romney and John McCain? No. Placing one's hand on one's heart is optional.)

I'm soooooooooo tired of these stupid, insulting Republican attacks. Let us get down to basics by asking these Republicans these questions:

1. Which administration is responsible for 2 recessions?
2. Which administration is spying on law-abiding citizens?
3. How many hours did the FBI spend watching/listening/following Elliot Spitzer instead of stopping terrorists?
4. How do the Republicans intend to end the war and bring our 140,000+ men and women in uniform home?
5. How do the Republicans and their candidates plan on lowering gas prices for regular Americans?
6. What has happened to the Republican Abramoff scandals? Are these good American values?
7. Which Republican president stayed in a classroom while our nation was under attack?
8. Ask John McCain about his plans for a national health care plan. (Hint: He doesn't have one.)
9. Why does Karl Rove call Sen. Obama "arrogant"? Is it because Obama is educated and Rove is not? Is Rove jealous of Obama's academic success? Does Rove hate minorities? People from Chicago?

The Republican Party is a bankrupt political party that is more interested in their personal wealth than helping families get health care. They don't care about normal, hard-working Americans who are struggling to feed their families. The Republicans just want to make sure they get their tee time at the country club.

Don't believe the Republican propaganda.