Sunday, April 06, 2008

McSame Advocates 100 Years of War=Warmonger

I love listening to Ed Schultz on the radio. Big Ed is a real straight-talking man who will let you know the truth and exactly what he thinks about important issues. As part of a speech given before Obama supporters in North Dakota, Big Ed used the word "warmonger" to describe Republican presidential candidate, Sen. John McCain. That got the McCain campaign in a tizzy, according to the New York Times.

I agree with the use of the term "warmonger" to describe McCain. McCain's comments about keeping the Iraq war going for another one hundred years, makes me think that he is, according to the Free Online Dictionary---

One who advocates or attempts to stir up war.

Free Dictionary Thesaurus: warmonger- a person who advocates war or warlike policies

McCain's support of a continuous war in Iraq makes me believe he is a 'warmonger.' McCain is supporting Bush's Iraq war and wants to keep it going to continue the Bush policies. He supports the war and doesn't seem to care about the human sacrifices that go along with that war.

Just look at the article in the New York Times about the problems are military men and women are having because of multiple deployments. NY Times:

Army leaders are expressing increased alarm about the mental health of soldiers who would be sent back to the front again and again under plans that call for troop numbers to be sustained at high levels in Iraq for this year and beyond.
Among combat troops sent to Iraq for the third or fourth time, more than one in four show signs of anxiety, depression or acute stress, according to an official Army survey of soldiers’ mental health.....

Check out the NY Times graphic about the deployments and you'll agree that our men and women in uniform have already sacrificed enough.

I think the term "warmonger" aptly defines McCain.