Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Still Loving My Civic Hybrid!!!

Today the local BP station had unleaded gasoline at $3.53/gal. Of course, that was around lunch time. It probably has changed since since then.

This past weekend, I had to drive to Cleveland. While driving my Honda Civic Hybrid, I was able to get 53mpg on the ride. I didn't need the air conditioning on and I used my cruise control most of the way. I think that is pretty amazing.

If you are still driving one of those large SUV's because you think it is a status symbol, you are wrong. You just look plain silly driving a car in which you must spend $80 or more to fill up the tank! Putting all that money into your gas tank doesn't make you smarter or sexier. If you really want to save money, check out a hybrid car before gasoline goes to $4/gal.