Friday, August 19, 2005

Democrats and Progressives

It is absolutely amazing how the focus of this country has changed under the guidance of George W. Bush. Under President Bill Clinton we had peace and prosperity. The unemployment rate was low and the national debt was down. Now under President Bush, we have 2 wars, Afghanistan and Iraq (and the possibility of war with Iran and North Korea). Afghanistan was a necessary war. However, Bush's Iraq war has been a waste of money, human life, and resources. There were no WMD's but there was plenty of oil and the opportunity of Halliburton and others to profit from a war. President Clinton's no-fly-zone diligence kept Sadam Hussain in check. In Iraq today, we have full blown anarchy. There is no peace, no electricity, no safe haven, and no protection for our troops in Iraq. Iraq has become a magnet for terrorists and extremists. What can we do to change things around?

1. We must demand an answer to Cindy Sheehan's question: What was the noble cause for going to war in Iraq?

2. We MUST work together to remove the corrupt GOP majority out of the House and the Senate. How? Research your local Democratic party's candidates and offer your support and help. Volunteer to stuff envelopes, work as a poll worker, make telephone calls on behalf of a candidate, and talk to friends and neighbors about how to organize and work toward a better, cleaner government.

3. Write a letter to your local newspaper or neighborhood weekly and express your opposition to this war and these corrupt politicians. Call your local rep or senator and demand they do things that represent you. Remind them that if they don't vote for things that are important to you and your city, you will vote against them. Visit open secrets to see who is contributing to your rep/senator.

4. Call or e-mail local and national TV and radio stations and voice your opinion about stories. Was a story too slanted? If a particular reporter/talk show host uses inaccurate information or derogatory statements, write letters and call their sponsors.

DON'T SIT AND DO NOTHING. I firmly believe that if every mother in this country just spoke out and said "Stop the war," people and politicians would take notice.