Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Party of Retreat and Surrender?

Some GOP "strategist" was just on The Situation Room on CNN and he said the "Democrat Party is a party of retreat and surrender, like Jimmy Carter." Where the hell do they find these GOP goofballs? First, why won't GOPers call it the Democratic Party? Is the fact that the word 'democratic' is the party name scare them? Secondly, where did this guy get the phrase "party of retreat and surrender"? Was this in the GOP talking points vocabulary list? The Democratic Party is NOT a party of retreat and surrender. We are a party of ideas, humanity, and intelligence. Many in our party are seeking an end to this war that was based on lies and greed. Many mothers who have lost children are working for a peaceful end of this war so that other mothers won't lose their sons and daughters. Enough blood, enough money, and enough time has been spent in Iraq. Bring our troops home now!