Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Jean Schmidt - Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

Jean Schmidt has attacked the service and integrity of Paul Hackett. Mr. Hackett served in Iraq and if elected, he would be the first Iraq veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom to serve in congress. However, the Schmidt campaign said that some other vet who is in congress was also in Iraq. The other vet served in 1999. Operation Iraqi Freedom started after 9/11/01 when the Bush administration tried to tie Saddam Hussein to the 9/11 attacks. Schmidt and her campaign have attacked the service of every military personnel member. Shame on her and her staff.

Jean Schmidt has no concern about traffic laws and has received 6 points for traffic violations. Check it out by going to http://www.clermontclerk.org/pa/munipa.urd/PAMW6500 and enter Schmidt Jean on the search page.
Need more information on Jean Schmidt's ethics problems? I GOOGLED Jean Schmidt ethics investigation and I found the following : http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Jean+Schmidt+ethics+investigation&btnG=Google+Search
Apparently, Schmidt tried to lobby Ohio Gov. Taft about an online lottery company and then she received a nice donation from the company. TSK! She has denied meeting Tom Noe but testified in front of him when Noe served on the Ohio Board of Regents. TSK! TSK!

Those of us in Ohio are SICK of the GOP corruption in this state. If Schmidt is elected, the corruption and payoffs will only continue and we will be the real losers.