Thursday, August 11, 2005

GOP Corruption Ruins Ohio

In today's Columbus Dispatch there is an article that explains the true cost of the GOP corruption and Coingate on the state of Ohio. According to the article, the cost of investigating Tom Noe's coin investment of state money is nearly $6.7 MILLION and the investigation is not over yet. The losses to the Bureau of Workers' Compensation have been incredible:

"Noe has acknowledged a shortfall of up to $13 million from the coin funds, and the bureau has lost millions on other investments — including $215 million from a high-risk investment by MDL Capital Management, of Pittsburgh, last year."

You are wondering how this happened? The GOP controls the state government and has been awarding contracts to contributors. Mr. Noe and others have gotten and continue to get contracts because they are contributors to the Ohio GOP. The corruption goes all the way to the governor. TSK! TSK! The Ohio GOP talks about moral values. Are cheating and stealing moral values?