Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Case of the Lost E-mails

When I read that the White House had lost 5 million e-mails, I immediately thought of Rosemary Woods "accidentally" erasing 18 minutes of tape from the Nixon White House. Thank goodness, Sen. Patrick Leahy doesn't believe this crap.

Yahoo News:
The White House's claim that e-mails sent on a Republican Party account might have been lost was challenged Thursday by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy who quipped that even his teenage neighbor could find them.

"They say they have not been preserved. I don't believe that!" Leahy shouted from the Senate floor as the dispute over the firing of federal prosecutors continued at a high pitch.

"You can't erase e-mails, not today. They've gone through too many servers," said Leahy, D-Vt. "Those e-mails are there; they just don't want to produce them. We'll subpoena them if necessary."

Does the White House think that the American people are stupid? (I already know that they do.) The Senate Judiciary committee will just go get some computer person and find those e-mails in a jiffy. Why were so many of them related to Karl Rove? Just asking.