Tuesday, April 03, 2007

If You Can't Take the Heat.....

I saw this story's headlines over at the Huffington Post and I had to put in my two cents:
(WCBS-TV): Giuliani To Media: Lay Off My Wife

....The former New York City mayor is fending off increased media scrutiny of his third wife -- the former Judith Nathan. Rudy is now asking the media to back off.

"Attack me all you want," Giuliani said. "There's plenty to attack me about. Please do it. But maybe, you know, show a little decency."

That's a tough sell for a man who suggested he might invite his wife into cabinet meetings....

Giuliani, the man who announced at a press conference that he was divorcing his second wife, will probably not get his wish this time. Giuliani and his wife, Judi Nathan Giuliani, have been parading around talking up their experience in dealing with the public. However, it appears that they cannot handle the scrutiny that comes with their very public lifestyle.

Giuliani may choose not to remember the media frenzy surrounding other presidential candidate's spouses (Hillary Clinton, Theresa Heinz Kerry, Elizabeth Edwards, etc). However, if Giuliani and other candidates want to win the hearts, minds, and votes of Americans, they must expect questions from the media. Voters will watch candidates react to the publicity because it indicates how these candidates and their spouses will respond to pressure and the spotlight in office. As the saying goes---if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.