Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Winners and Losers

* Did you happen to catch Elizabeth Edwards' phone call to right winger, Ann Coulter, on Hardball yesterday? Mrs. Edwards is one gutsy lady and I admire her politics and her take on Coulter. Raw Story has the video here. Mrs. Edwards is the winner in this battle.

* The latest CNN/Opinion Research poll shows that the administration is losing supporters for its Iraq war policies. Here are some highlights from the poll:
.....the public is already making an assessment, and it's not good. In the latest CNN-Opinion Research Corporation poll released Tuesday, 69 percent of those polled believe things are going badly in Iraq. Seventeen percent think the situation is improving.
Thirty percent of Americans polled say they favor the war, the lowest level of support on record. Two-thirds are opposed.
Anti-war sentiment among Republican poll respondents has suddenly increased with 38 percent of Republicans now saying they oppose the war.
Moreover, 63 percent of Americans are ready to withdraw at least some troops from Iraq. Forty-two percent of Republicans agree......

Doesn't it make you wonder who the heck those Republicans are that still support Bush's Iraq war?????

* In the recent revelations that Dick Cheney thinks he is not part of the Executive Branch of government, the American people are the real losers here. What has Cheney done that we will never know about? As Jon Stewart mentioned last night on The Daily Show, why does Cheney need those huge safes in his office???

* According to the New York Times, young people like Democrats and Senator Clinton and Senator Obama. Here are some excerpts from the NYT article:
....the poll found that substantially more Americans between the ages of 17 and 29 than four years ago are paying attention to the presidential race. But they appeared to be really familiar with only two of the candidates, Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton, both Democrats.

They have continued a long-term drift away from the Republican Party, and although they are just as worried as the general population about the outlook for the country and think their generation is likely to be worse off than that of their parents, they retain a belief that their votes can make a difference, the poll found.

More than half of Americans between 17 and 29 years old — 54 percent — say they intend to vote for a Democrat for president in 2008. They share with the public at large a negative view of President Bush, who has a 28 percent approval rating with this group, and of the Republican Party. They hold a markedly more positive view of Democrats than they do of Republicans.....

Looks like the Dems are winning the hearts, minds, and votes of young Americans. Now we just have to get them to the polls!