* The Dayton Daily News is reporting that the issue of Jon Husted's residency will be take up by the Montgomery County Board of Elections.....................after the election. Are they hoping that people will forget where he lives? Perhaps some of Husted's Democratic neighbors in Upper Arlington should start keeping a log of when and where they see Husted and then put it on the web. There is no reason that Husted should get a pass on this.
* Check with your neighbors this weekend and make sure everyone has a ride to the polls. If you know anyone without a car, see if they need a ride to vote.
* According to Open Secrets, Republican candidate for Ohio's 7th district, Steve Austria, has received political contributions from the following industries: Oil & Gas- $13,000; Lobbyists- $21,100; etc.
* Sarah Palin is definitely not qualified for the office of Vice President. Did McCain seriously think that women would flock to his campaign because of his running mate? McCain and Palin want to imprison women who seek or receive an abortion. They even want to lock up doctors who do abortions. McCain and Palin want to outlaw abortions even in the case of rape and incest. Shame on them. How can they force someone to go through a pregnancy that was caused by rape/incest?
* John McCain is against equal pay for equal work for women. Does McCain just hate or disrespect women?