Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Voting News from Central Ohio

This morning's Dispatch has some very interesting stuff about voter registration in Ohio. Here are some excerpts from the Dispatch story:

....Nearly 8.2 million people are on the voter rolls in Ohio, including 665,949 added this year, Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner announced yesterday after Monday's registration deadline....
.....Of the 9,280 people who had cast absentee ballots in person as of Monday, 3 percent were registered Republicans and 39 percent were Democrats, records show. The rest were unaffiliated.....

Despite the fact that Democrats are showing up in greater numbers and participating with more enthusiasm than Republicans, we should never underestimate the ability of the GOP to try to steal the election. Be on your guard. Check out for information on how you can protect your vote.

> If you watched last night's debate, you noticed that Sen. Obama knew his stuff. John McCain, however, looked like an angry, cranky, out of touch, old man. I have a few questions:

- Why didn't McCain shake hands with Obama?

- McCain said he would get Osama bin Laden. McCain and Bush have had 7 years to get Osama. Why have they waited to get him? Why have they let our young men and women in uniform risk their lives all these years if McCain could have gotten Osama earlier?

- McCain said he'd get the former CEO of Ebay as Treasury Secretary. Did he know that Ebay laid off 1,000 people yesterday. (In the past, McCain said he'd appoint Phil "mental recession" Gramm as Treasury Sec.)

- McCain and Palin have said some awful lies in their rallies. Wasn't McCain tough enough to speak those lies in front of Obama?

- As the height of disrespect, McCain called Obama "that one..." Does McCain hate Obama? Why has McCain shown such disdain for Obama?

- Once again, McCain did not mention the "middle class" during the debate. Has McCain ever heard of the "middle class"?