Thursday, October 30, 2008

Use Common Sense

So you want your taxes lowered? McCain will lower your taxes but Obama will lower your taxes even more!!!!! Visit for details.

Do you have health insurance now? Do you want to pay taxes on that health insurance? Vote for McCain because he promises to tax your health insurance.

>> Economists aren't using the word yet, but we know that we are in a recession. We've known it for a long time in Ohio. However, the big shots on Wall Street and the Bush administration won't use the word "recession" for fear that the sky will fall. Everyone knows it is a recession. Just ask the people being laid off or those whose work hours have been cut back. People are hurting and it is all because of the Republicans who did nothing to keep the economy going. The administration's hands off policy on Wall Street has allowed some CEO's to get bonuses that are obscene and misuse the public trust. While Americans are struggling to buy food and keep their families warm, the Republicans have ignored everything and pushed for more deregulation. They just want to keep the status quo, keep the war going in Iraq, and continue the "trickle down" economics that the Republicans use as their mantra.

If you want change, you are going to have to get up off the couch and go vote for Barack Obama and every Democratic candidate. The Republicans have become obstructionists and they are standing in the way of progress.

Here in Ohio's 15th district, we have the chance for real change by electing a wonderful Democratic candidate for Congress, Mary Jo Kilroy. Kilroy has strong roots with real working people. Her opponent is a former bank lobbyist who favors banks and insurance companies.

Get up and vote. Call and e-mail family and friends and remind them to vote.