Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Why can't Ohio have fair elections?

The Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner's office is being maliciously attacked, according to the Ohio Daily Blog:

The Republican Party's utterly baseless allegation that Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner is facilitating voter fraud (and that the Democratic Party is attempting to "rig the election") has unleashed an assault on the basic functioning of her office just as preparations for the general election are in high gear:

Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner announced on Monday
afternoon that the state website has been set in a static mode with
limited functionality as a precaution. The Ohio State Highway Patrol
will assist with an investigation of one or more security breaches
detected by the Secretary of State....

....This has gone far beyond anyone's definition of acceptable political tactics. As State Sen. Teresa Fedor wrote at Glass City Jungle yesterday, the Republicans are "trying to destroy our election system just to win an election" (although I would add that their other goal of unseating Brunner in 2010 is also in the mix). This despicable assault comes a hell of a lot closer to "destroying the fabric of democracy" than anything ACORN has allegedly committed, even in John McCain's feverish imagination.

What is it about Ohio's elections? Do the Ohio Republicans really need to challenge so many voters? Does the Ohio GOP's aggressive attempt to disenfranchise voters also turn off their level of support from the public? Face it. If a political party questions your right to vote, why would you lend your support to that party in the future?

An article in today's Columbus Dispatch (they've endorsed McCain), raises the possibility of complete chaos on election day in Ohio. Why would the Dispatch do this? Are they trying to create contested elections? Are they trying to discourage voters from voting? Why does the Republican-leaning Dispatch even suggest the chance that the Ohio election will be a disaster? Does the Dispatch know about some scheme that the Ohio Republicans have up their dirty little sleeves?

My advice to voters is this--- Vote Obama and Democratic in such large numbers that the Ohio GOP will have nothing to question.