Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Who the heck is Joe the Plumber?

Here are my random thoughts/ideas/remarks on this debate:

John McCain is not doing very well. I'm watching CNN's tracking graph and McCain is not doing well.

Why does McCain keep talking about Joe the Plumber? He must have mentioned him 10 times.

Barack Obama knows his stuff. He explained his tax plan, health care plan, economic strategy, etc.

Is McCain pulling a Nixon and perspiring?

McCain is proud of Sarah Palin and the people that attend his rallies. Really?

Obama brought up Lilly Ledbetter's case about equal pay for equal work. McCain is against equal pay for equal work for women.

McCain is against a woman's reproductive freedom. Sarah Palin is against all abortions -- even in the case of rape and incest.

McCain is doing lots of heavy breathing and lots of blinking. What is with the smirk?

No one is pro-abortion. Why does McCain keep saying people are pro-abortion?

Love Obama's ideas about education = higher pay for teachers, more money for education, helping reduce college costs, etc.

McCain said that throwing money at education is not the problem. I guess he doesn't know about the problems of No Child Left Behind not getting enough funding.

Obama said that Bush had his unfunded mandates like No Child Left Behind that put more financial burdens on local school districts.

Obama said our children are our future.

McCain is just rambling. McCain wants to "reform" Head Start. You know what that means------ cut it. Now McCain is talking about Sarah Palin who know about special needs children. As governor of Alaska, Palin cut the funding for special needs children.

The center piece of McCain's education policy is to expand the voucher policy.

Closing remarks---- McCain says America needs a new direction and he is it. He talks about the 9/11 commission but McCain refused to attend one meeting. I don't want McCain to tax my health benefits. I'd like to let McCain continue to serve in the Senate.

Obama said we cannot continue the same failed politics and policies of the last 8 years. Obama said we have to invest in the American people again to lift wages and improve our lives. Obama promises to work tirelessly on behalf of American people.

Clear winner-----Barack Obama!!!!!