Tuesday, June 30, 2009

He Asked??????

When I read this, I thought this guy is lucky he is not my husband.


South Carolina first lady Jenny Sanford sat in her oceanfront living room Friday, recalling how her husband repeatedly asked permission to visit his lover in the months after she discovered his affair.

“I said absolutely not. It’s one thing to forgive adultery; it’s another thing to condone it,” Jenny Sanford told The Associated Press during a 20-minute interview at the coastal home where she sought refuge with their four sons. They were her first extended comments on the affair....

He asked permission?

Sanford is a complete idiot. He asked his wife's permission to go cavort with his mistress in a foreign country? What kind of a man disrespects his wife like this? If your daughter had come to you and told you her husband asked for permission to visit his mistress, what would you have done? Exactly.

How can anyone respect this Sanford? He disrespected his wife, his children, the sanctity of his vows, and the people of South Carolina so that he could fulfill his lust.