Thursday, December 20, 2007

Words of Advice

*** I buy and read books. If you work for a publishing company, there are some books I don't want to read.

1. A parental advice book written by the mother of Britney and Jamie Lynne Spears.
... a. The Spears daughters continue to embarrass their parents with their behavior.
... b. Britney and Jamie Lynne do not appear to be stellar role models themselves.

2. Any book written by Karl Rove. (Supposedly, Rove is holding out for bigger money from publishers. If his book is published, it can be purchased at the dollar store for $1.)
... a. The man was (allegedly) involved in exposing the name of an undercover CIA agent.
... b. There is nothing he would write that I'd be interested in reading.

3. Any book on marriage written by Rudy Giuliani.
... a. Two divorces and three marriages are not badges of honor.
... b. Mr. Giuliani is not someone I respect.

4. Any book written by George W. Bush or Dick Cheney.
... a. This administration has been a miserable failure. It has been like a reverse Midas Touch --- everything they touch is ruined (Iraq, job creation, education, senior citizen health care, medical care for our veterans, the environment, international relations, etc., etc.).