Friday, January 04, 2008

Huckabee: The Heebie Jeebies Factor

What is it about Republican presidential candidate, Mike Huckabee, that gives many people the heebie jeebies?

a.) Is it his views on marriage that indicate that he thinks women must be subservient to husbands?
b.) Is it Huckabee's release of prisoners because of their political friends?
c.) Could it be that Huckabee advocates invading Pakistan?
d.) Huckabee didn't know about the NIE on Iran and has lied to cover up his ignorance (see Think Progress).
e.) He wants to blur the line on the separation of church and state.
f.) Is it that Huckabee just seems like he is unqualified and uninformed about issues and policies?

The answer is all of the above.

The last thing this country needs is a right wing religious zealot in the White House.