The Ohio Supreme Court is made up of all Republicans, except for Justice Eric Brown, a Democrat. Even though the Ohio Supreme Court is supposed to be fair and neutral, their rulings in the past have always seem to favor Republicans. It is time to make the Ohio Supreme Court a real balanced entity and the only way to do that is to vote for Democrats like Justice Eric Brown and Mary Jane Trapp. The Republicans on the Ohio Supreme Court are so entrenched in Republican politics in the state, that it makes too many cases and decisions that seem to favor the GOP.
Here is a small important note from
DailyKos from 2005:
In 2004, Ohio's central "Coingate" figure Tom Noe served as campaign manager for Judith Ann Lanzinger's successful run for Supreme Court Justice.....
pic from
Tom Noe? Tom Noe is still in prison because of his convictions involving the Coingate Scandal. Background info can be found at