...Scott no longer holds the dubious distinction as the most unpopular Governor PPP has polled on in 2011- Ohio's John Kasich edges him out for that with a 53% disapproval rating....
Kasich must be sooooooooo proud.
While we fight against SB 5, a bill that ends collective bargaining and binding arbitration for public employees, Kasich continues to push the law which would cause people to lose their rights on the job.
At a rally in Youngstown, State Rep. Bob Hagan and State Sen. Joe Schiavoni provided those in attendance with encouragement to go out and work against SB 5.
The Jambar:
....Hagan offered a memorable quip for voters to overcome the tricky language of Issue 2:
"Remember, do you want to re-elect Kasich? No. Vote ‘no' on Issue 2."
*** Vote NO on Issue 2. ***