Sunday, October 09, 2011

Stop the Republican Power Grab

Hey, Ohio voters!  Remember this----   
Vote NO on Issues 1, 2, and 3.

Do you ever get the idea that the Kasich administration is creating two classes in Ohio----  the rich corporate people and the rest of us?  With FOK (Friends of Kasich) getting preferential treatment in tax incentives and grants for their companies, the rest of us are seeing our hard earned tax money being given away by Kasich to his corporate friends. The Dayton Daily News revealed that Kasich has given away more than $240 million to corporations since January.  Where did he find all that $240 million?  Those cuts in education probably provided the bulk of the money.

Ohioans really do not need to worry because Gov. Kasich continues to take care of his pals, and staff.


  • Gov. Kasich, while repeatedly calling for cuts in the pay and benefits of state and local government workers, pays his own senior staff an average salary of over $110,000.  And he has repeatedly fudged the numbers on what he pays all workers in his office.  In April, he told the General Assembly that the Governor’s Office payroll was just over $4.8 million.  But as of May 7, the actual figure was just over $5.4 million —12% more than what the Governor claimed;
  • Gov. Kasich’s 27 Cabinet members earn an average base pay of more than $131, 000 and at least 22 of them each receive an additional $6,600 per year in “car allowances.”   At least 7 Cabinet members are also ‘double dippers” who receive state pensions in addition to their government salaries.....
.....Though fiercely critical of “double dipping” by other public workers, 12 House and Senate members who support SB 5 are themselves double-dippers (one is a triple-dipper), and collect legislative salaries in addition to state pensions.   Perhaps the biggest single double-dipper in Ohio is House Speaker Bill Batchelder, who receives over $100,000 in a PERS pension, on top of his $94,500 annual legislative salary.....

Clearly, the Ohio Republicans are hypocrites.  While they've cut education, those Republicans seem to be prospering with extra perks and benefits from the governor, and the legislators have refused to take pay cuts.

If SB 5 stands, local school boards will not be able to discuss class size with teachers. Does that mean that someone else like the governor or some political appointee will set class sizes across the state? This is all part of the right wing agenda to destroy public schools and teachers.  Don't stand for it!
Vote NO on Issue 1.
Vote NO on Issue 2.
Vote NO on Issue 3.

If you need another way to remember, try this---- 
NO. NO. NO on Issues  1 ,2, 3.