Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I Bet You Didn't Know....

Republican Rep. Paul Ryan has stood against our men and women in the military and against our military veterans.


...Ryan has not always been a free-spender when it comes to the military and veterans. He has on at least one occasion voted for a proposal to tighten the standards required to receive medical care from the Veterans Administration. Specifically, his committee floated a proposal to cut spending on providing VA care to veterans who do not have a service-related disability and whose incomes do not make them poor. Specifically, Ryan’s floated plan would cut off Category 8 veterans – and possibly Category 7 veterans as well - from receiving care from the VA....

...Ryan also voted against a proposal for a mandatory period of rest and recuperation between deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan in 2007. President Bush also opposed the measure at the time. The bill exempted special operations troops and still allowed the President and Secretary of Defense to waive the requirement in response to unforeseen circumstances.

Ryan voted against a 2012 proposal to increase combat pay from $225 per month to $350....

Paul Ryan also supports privatizing Social Security. Adding that to his coupons/vouchers for seniors on Medicare, Paul Ryan's plans would create a disaster for the elderly.

College students who get Pell Grants should be wary of the Romney-Ryan ticket.  Romney wants students to borrow money from their parents.  Paul Ryan wants this----


...Fewer students will be eligible for Pell Grants, and those who do manage to secure one won't get as much money (the Ryan budget won't allow the grants to increase with inflation). Students with loans will pay twice as much interest -- 6.8 percent, up from the current 3.4 percent.....


....Ryan wants to privatize Social Security by shifting Social Security funds to private retirement accounts while reducing benefits and slowly raising the age of eligibility. The big winner here would probably be Wall Street; benefits would actually be cut for the top 70 percent of recipients, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a left-leaning think tank. But in terms of his plans to reform entitlements, the biggest issue here is that Social Security isn't actually an entitlement program -- wage-earners pay into it, and retired workers get the pay out. This plan was part of Ryan's 2010 offering, "Roadmap for America's Future," and Romney has generally avoided endorsing it....

Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney just don't care about you.