Thursday, March 09, 2006

Real People vs. Trent Lott

Those Republicans haven't paid for their own lunch in a looooooonnnnnng time. I found this at Wonkette:
...the Senate agreed to a ban on undisclosed meals from lobbyists. The job of infusing the dully obvious with the breathless gravitas of the narration in the Shawshank Redemption fell to Barack Obama, who said: “In cities and towns all across America it turns out that people pay for their own lunches and their own dinners…People who make far less than we do.”

Senator Trent Lott had a different take on the ban: “It’s totally ludicrous that we are doing this. I’ll be eating with my wife and so will a lot more senators after we pass this one.” Classy, that Trent Lott. What a catch...

Oh, my goodness. Senator Trent Lott will be forced to eat lunch with his wife!!!!! At least Lott is eating lunch. Some people in our country can't afford to eat lunch! Trent Lott should win an award for being an arrogant pig.

Raw Story exposes MSNBC's Chris Matthews and his speaking engagements at conservative organizations. This may explain why he is playing lap dog for the Republicans. Do you think MSNBC will allow this to continue? I hope not because this makes Tweety on the same level as Rush, and the goofballs at Fox News.

There have been some leaks about possible nominees for the Pulitzer Prize. E&P has a sneak peak.

Huffington Post had a tip about a story posted at The Tennessean about Sen. Bill Frist. Frist has been getting the movie star treatment from drug companies for years. Read the article here.

The Huffington Post has a posting by Rep. John Murtha. For those who have family/friends in the military, this shows you that things are not good for our young men and women, and we should be very concerned.