Monday, March 13, 2006

Still No Plan

President Bush is out again trying to drum up support for the war in Iraq. However, his public relations tour is not a plan to leave Iraq. Instead of taking the time to travel around the country and visit pre-screened, cool-aid drinking supporters, the President should stay home and meet with Rep. John Murtha. Why John Murtha? Up to this time, ONLY John Murtha has presented a plan to get troops out of Iraq. But Bush only wants to speak to people who agree with him.

The war continues. Our young men and women continue to be wounded and killed. Because of the billions of dollars spent in Iraq, New Orleans cannot be rebuilt. Because of the billions of dollars spent in Iraq, the poor and the elderly lose programs to assist them. Because of the billions of dollars spent in Iraq, our country and its people lose. Because of the billions of dollars spent in Iraq, Osama bin Laden is still running around free and alive. It is time to step up, take responsiblity for the mistakes and bring our young people home. We need them and we miss them.