Friday, June 02, 2006

Get a Daily Dose of Stephanie Miller and Keith Olbermann

I start my day by listening to the Stephanie Miller Show. Stephanie's radio program is part of the Jones Radio Network. If Stephanie's show is not available in your area, visit for more information.

Keith Olbermann's Countdown on MSNBC is part of our regular viewing habits in our house. Last night, Keith, put the smackdown on Bill O'Reilly. Apparently, O'Reilly continues to blame WWII American troops for a massacre that took place in Malmedy, France. The massacre was done by the Nazis. O'Reilly, who professes to not spin, is just plain lying about Malmedy. Why does O'Reilly hate American troops? I think that every VFW branch in the USA should write and call O'Reilly and force him to correct his mistake. To view the Keith Olbermann tape from last night, visit Crooks and Liars:
Olbermann exposes O'Reilly on Malmedy.