We've tried bipartisanship but the Republicans aren't interested. We need to serve the needs of the entire nation, with or without the Republicans.
* Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham (So. Carolina) used one of those "code" words to describe President Obama's push for health care reform.
Business Week:
President Barack Obama’s “arrogant” strategy to get health-care legislation passed threatens to divide the country and prevent cooperation on other national priorities, U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham said.
We know what Graham is trying to say, and it is very sad. Shame.
Business Week:
President Barack Obama’s “arrogant” strategy to get health-care legislation passed threatens to divide the country and prevent cooperation on other national priorities, U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham said.
“President Obama promised to come to Washington and deliver change we can believe in,” Graham, a Republican from South Carolina, said today in an interview on ABC’s “This Week” program. “The way he’s doing things, the way he’s governing on this health-care bill -- this arrogance, ignoring the American people -- and trying to jam through a bill that nobody likes and deal out Republicans is going to make it impossible for me or anyone else.”
We know what Graham is trying to say, and it is very sad. Shame.
* Peter Graves has passed away. Many people know him from his Mission Impossible days or his movie career. However, there are many of us who remember him from the 1950's TV show, Fury.