Monday, September 05, 2011


If you listened to Gov. Kasich p.r. guy, Rob Nichols, you'd think that Ohio was doing better. 

...Gov. John Kasich's spokesman Rob Nichols said the governor has been talking about the state's dire economic condition for two years, but has started to turn things around, achieving a net job growth of 45,100 jobs in Ohio since taking office in January.

"We've had good success," he said.....

Really?  A quick look at the Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services Warn Notice page shows that layoffs are still happening in the state.  As of last week, the Warn Notices show that over 7,000 people will have been laid off since Kasich became governor.  Somehow that doesn't look like things are getting better.  It might be that Kasich, his administration, and Nichols, all live in a bubble.

The Republicans are the only ones who care about deficits.  A majority of Americans want jobs.  When will corporations get off their fat profits and start to create jobs???  If they really believed in America, they'd help to rebuild the nation.